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Supporting Our Shipmates: Gatekeeper Trainer Project


USCG leadership increasingly recognizes the need to better understand and mitigate the potential negative mental health effects associated with service. As part of that shift, the Suicide Prevention Program has initiated a project to build up a network of mental health safety throughout the enterprise. Our team intends to conduct a program evaluation study to examine training for trainers (T4T) support on training fidelity and impact on Gatekeeper training within elements of the United States Coast Guard (USCG) using LivingWorks Education (LWE) Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) and safeTALK programs.

Strategic Alignment with National Suicide Prevention Goals

CDC Suicide Prevention Strategies

As it is outlined in the CDC's "Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices," our project is aligned with the following strategies:

    • Strengthen Access and Delivery of Suicide Care
    • Create Protective Environments
    • Promote Connectedness
    • Teach Coping and Problem-Solving Skills
    • Identify and Support People at Risk
    • Lessen Harms and Prevent Future Risk

White House Priorities

As it is outlined in The White House "Fact Sheet: New Strategy Outlines Five Priorities for Reducing Military and Veteran Suicide," our project is aligned with the following priorities:

    • Improving Lethal Means Safety
    • Enhancing Crisis Care and Facilitating Care Transitions
    • Increasing Access to and Delivery of Effective Care
    • Addressing Upstream Risk and Protective Factors
    • Increasing Research Coordination, Data Sharing, & Evaluation Efforts

Selected References
