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War in Ukraine Mental Health Resources

Exposure to war causes a wide range of harmful mental health effects. Those working with refugees and people directly impacted in Ukraine can protect mental health by using the following evidence-based actions and other resources below:

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  • Ensure physical safety and the safety of treasured belongings people may bring (e.g., locked trunks).
  • Connect people to loved ones whenever possible to enhance support.
  • Use culturally sensitive calming techniques to help lower stress.
  • Be alert to usual illnesses present in populations – from diabetes to hypertension to schizophrenia – and ensure care is provided.
  • Remain aware and sensitive to trauma history as this may exacerbate negative response or distress.
  • Be present for children and provide explanations to their questions, but do not overload them with frightening information.
  • Helping people with problem-solving is a form of caring that reminds them of their own strengths and abilities.
  • Recruit "helpers" to assist others and have them extend your ability to deliver care.

No permission is needed to use or adapt the public domain content below from the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress. You may use it freely as it is helpful to you

Pocket Cards

Rapid Psychological First Aid:
Help for You, Family, and Friends

Helping Others Calm an
Acute Stress Response

Click HERE for all versions of Rapid Psychological First Aid: Help for You, Family, and Friends

Click HERE for all versions of Helping Others Calm an Acute Stress Response

Additional fact sheets are below to help children and families, healthcare and humanitarian aid workers, as well as community and military leaders:

Children and Families

Helping Children Understand Frightening Events

Managing the Stress of Children after a Crisis

Helping Children Cope During Deployment

Teachers Helping Students during War and other Disasters

Advancing the Health of Military Families During Deployment

Post Disaster Stress Management for Parents

Managing the Stress of War and Disaster

Reconnecting with Your Spouse or Partner after Military Deployment

Understanding Combat Stress to Help Your Loved One

How to Get a Service Member to Seek Help after Combat

Caring for Your Family after a Service Member's Traumatic Brain Injury

Military, Healthcare, and Aid Workers

Sustaining the Well-Being of Caregivers While Helping Victims of War

Optimizing Sleep in an Operational Environment: A Guide for Service Members

Information for Responders on Emotional Reactions to Human Remains

How Healthcare Providers Can Help Service Members Seek Care

Notifying Family Members after Unexpected Deaths: Guidance for Healthcare Providers

Caring for Combat Injured Families: Principles for Healthcare Professionals

How Healthcare Providers Can Help Families after a Service Member's Traumatic Brain Injury

Behavioral Health Concerns Providers Should Know About During Nuclear Events

Community and Military Leaders

Guidelines for Leaders on Notifying Family of Dead or Missing Loved Ones

Grief Leadership to Promote Sustainment and Recovery During War

Leadership Stress Management

Military Leadership During Stressful Situations

Leadership Communication for Anticipating and Responding to Stressful Events

Educational Training Videos

Finding Structure in Chaos: Caring for Patients in War and Other Disasters

У пошуках структури у хаосі: турбота про пацієнтів в часи війни та інших катастроф

Fostering Resilience After Combat: Return to Military Duty or Reintegration into Civilian Life

Плекання стресостійкості після бойових дій: повернення до виконання службових обов'язків або до цивільного життя

Psychological first aid to military

Leadership behaviors in war and disasters

Additional Resources


with Ukrainian subtitles

Stop the Bleed 



Displacement and Resettlement: Resources from Sesame Workshop to Help Children

PFA MOBILE: Android Version - in Ukranian (NCTSN)

Stop the Bleed (NCDMPH)

Sustaining Mental Readiness in the Context of Prolonged Stress (WRAIR)

Sleep in High Stress Environments (WRAIR)

Coping with Traumatic Events (Tuesday's Children)

Resources to Support Ukrainian Military Children & Their Families (MCEC)

Talking to Children about War (NCTSN)

Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event (NCTSN)

Psychological First Aid for Displaced Children and Families (NCTSN)

Traumatic Separation and Refugee and Immigrant Children: Tips for Current Caregiver (NCTSN)

Understanding Refugee Trauma: For Mental Health Professionals (NCTSN)

Understanding Refugee Trauma: For Mental Health Professionals For Primary Care Providers (NCTSN)